Jenny Fulton

Textile Artist

Welcome – do join me on my
creative journey.

Getting this far has been challenging, thrilling and surprising in equal measure! And I am excited about developing my textile art even further.

Please subscribe to follow my journey.

About me

What I do

How I do it



“There is something precious about a collection of trees gathered together in a wood” – Robert Penn for the National Trust.

For me trees have always held a fascination and give me a wealth of inspiration for my art. Through the seasons they change dramatically, the trunks, branches and foliage having so much colour and texture. They survive in such inhospitable places, twisted and weather beaten but are also happy co-existing with other trees in woods and forests.

The inspiration for me is endless  . . . . .


The initial inspiration for fabric pebbles came from the rivers of the Canadian Rockies – beautiful pebbles worn smooth by centuries, if not millennia, of melt-water from snow and glaciers. But nearer to home the shingle beaches of sea-worn pebbles on the Suffolk coast, where picking up a pebble and rolling it round in ones hands is a must.

Why do people love pebbles?